I’ve been trialling the Lush Enzymion moisturiser this week and I have liked it (for all the wrong reasons) but it’s actually dried out my skin.  I was in need of an oily/heavy mask to bring some moisture and grabbed this on my way past The Body Shop, I’m regretting not taking the time to actually try the product in the shop because it’s not what I was expecting at all – I thought it would be like one of their body butters but it has a jelly texture.  I popped a glob on my face and it did sink in but left a film over the surface of my skin, my skin felt soft to touch but this was the film and not the skin itself.  It was a little irritating and not the moisture-intense treat I’d hoped for.  Then I checked the ingredients: paraben, paraben, paraben…

The Body Shop, moisturising, Vitamin E, mask, sink-in

The Body Shop Vitamin E Sink-In Moisture Mask

Oh well!!  Some coconut oil did the trick for today and I’ve learnt a lesson, I really must investigate more thoroughly before purchasing products in the future.